Why Do Bath Bombs Stain The Bath Tub?

Bath bombs are a relatively new product on the market and have been increasing in popularity. They are designed to dissolve in water and release a fizzy, bubbly sensation as well as color and fragrance. Many people enjoy using bath bombs for relaxation or to simply enjoy the experience.

However, there have been complaints about bath bombs leaving behind a colored stain in the bathtub. This can be a nuisance to clean and may cause some people to avoid using bath bombs altogether. In this article, we will discuss the science behind why bath bombs may cause staining and offer some tips on how to prevent it.

Why Do Bath Bombs Stain The Bath Tub

What Are Bath Bombs Made Of?

A bath bomb is basically a combination of baking soda and citric acid. These two elements react together when exposed to moisture. When you drop one into hot water, it explodes into a shower of sudsy bubbles.

The ingredients used to make bath bombs vary depending on the type of product being sold. There are bath bombs that contain essential oils and moisturizers, there are bath bombs that use natural extracts like tea tree oil, and even bath bombs that include glitter.

But first, let’s talk about how bath bombs work. Baking soda is known to help relieve stress and relax muscles, and it works well against dry skin conditions.

Citric acid helps break down dead cells and exfoliates the skin, making it easier to absorb the moisturizer. Cornstarch is added to prevent clumping and keep the mixture flowing smoothly.

Why Do Bath Bombs Stain The Bath Tub?

The bright colors of bath bombs can turn bathtubs into fun works of art, but they could also damage your bathroom fixtures. If you notice stains on your bathtub, it might be because of a bath bomb.

Many different kinds of colorants — such as lake, mica and natural pigments — are used in bath bombs. These ingredients come in many shades, ranging from light pink to deep purple to black. Some of these colors can even contain iron oxide, which gives bath bombs their distinctive appearance.

But bath bombs shouldn’t stain your tub. Why? Because the chemicals inside bath bombs aren’t meant to dissolve in water, and they don’t necessarily mix well with soap.

Instead, they’re designed to sit on the surface of the water, where they’ll release their fragrance over time. This process allows the bath bombs’ ingredients to slowly break down into smaller pieces, eventually falling off the surface of the water.

That doesn’t mean that bath bombs won’t affect your tub. Over time, some of the chemical compounds that make up bath bombs can react with certain materials found in your bathtub.

For example, calcium carbonate, which is commonly used as a filler material in ceramic tile baths, reacts with chlorine bleach to produce calcium chloride. And while this reaction isn’t harmful to human skin, it does lead to discoloration of the bathtub.

If you suspect that one of your bath bombs is causing stains on your tub, try cleaning it out immediately. Then, take a look at the bathtub itself. Are there cracks or holes in the porcelain?

Is the surface scratched or chipped? If you find anything unusual about your tub, contact your local plumber or contractor. They may be able to help determine what caused the problem.

Why Do Bath Bombs Stain The Bath Tub

Which Types Of Bath Bombs Are Most Likely To Stain Your Bath Tub?

When it comes to choosing the perfect fizzy bath bomb, there are many factors to consider. While some people prefer a certain color or scent, others want to know which types are more likely to stain their tub.

For the most part, any type of  Lush bath bomb can potentially stain your tub, but there are a few that are more likely to cause staining than others. For example, bath bombs that contain essential oils or glitter are more likely to leave behind a residue that can be difficult to remove.

In addition, dark color bath bombs like black bath bombs, bright pink bath bombs, or colorful bath bombs in general, can also be more likely to cause staining.

Some worry about charcoal bath bombs, and rightfully so. Charcoal is made by heating coal until it’s completely burned away. It contains heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and cadmium, all of which can have negative health effects if ingested. So if you’re worried about staining your tub, avoid using charcoal bath bombs.

If you’re concerned about staining your tub, it’s best to choose a light-colored or translucent fizzy bath bomb. These types are less likely to cause staining and are easier to clean up afterwards.

Top Tips For Preventing Bath Bombs Staining Your Bath Tub

Lush bath bombs are a popular way to add a little fun and pizzazz to your bath water, but they can also be a nightmare for your tub if you’re not careful. Here are a few tips to help you enjoy your bath bombs without worrying about stains:

  • Use a light-colored bath bomb. Dark-colored bath bombs are more likely to leave behind stains.
  • Avoid using bath bombs with essential oils. The oils can interact with the finish on your tub and cause staining.
  • Don’t let the bath bomb sit in one spot for too long. Move it around occasionally so that the color is evenly distributed.
  • Rinse your tub immediately after use. This will help to remove any residue that could cause staining later on.

As we mentioned above, not all bath bombs will stain your bath, but if your bath does have issues with soap scum residue, stains are more likely to cling to these stains. The best way to avoid any staining is to be proactive and clean your tub regularly.

In addition, you can also try using a bath bomb that contains natural ingredients like baking soda or epsom salt. These ingredients can help to break down soap scum and make it easier to remove.

Why Do Bath Bombs Stain The Bath Tub

Tips To Help You Remove Bath Bomb Stains

If you’ve already used a bath bomb and noticed staining on your tub, don’t panic! There are a few things you can do to try and remove the stains.

Bon Ami or Bar Keepers Friend are both great choices for cleaning bathtubs. You can also try using a pumice stone to scrub away any stubborn stains.

If the stain is still not coming off, you may need to resort to harsher methods like bleach or CLR. However, before using any of these products, it’s important to test them in an inconspicuous area first to make sure they won’t damage your tub.

Once you’ve removed the stains, be sure to rinse your tub thoroughly so that no residue is left behind. You may also want to consider sealing your tub to help protect it from future staining.


Bath bombs can be a fun and relaxing way to enjoy your bath, but they can also cause staining if you’re not careful. To avoid any problems, choose a light-colored or translucent bath bomb, and be sure to rinse your tub immediately after use.

In addition, consider using a bath bomb that contains natural ingredients like baking soda or epsom salts, to reduce any potential staining effects.